The friendship contract of a murderer – examining friendships and self-perception in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment

How does self-identification lead to the formation of relationships? Self-perception can be one of the most unreliable sources of one’s character; I will show how relationships are based on one’s idea of themselves, rather than who they actually are. I would like to illustrate how the ego prevents one to seek friendships of whom they… Continue reading The friendship contract of a murderer – examining friendships and self-perception in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment

The female chess piece – exploring femininity in Shakespeare’s most gruesome play

Who are the characters really against in Shakespeare’s Revenge Tragedy Titus Andronicus? Though we see the main conflict to be between Titus (a male leader) versus Tamora (a female leader), one may extend the bigger issue to be surrounded by gender conflicts. There is an issue of gender politics, though not in the form of… Continue reading The female chess piece – exploring femininity in Shakespeare’s most gruesome play

The broke student phenomena

Young people go to university with the hopes to gain a good future for themselves and what they are returned with is an insurmountable amount of pressure and financial debt When thinking about student life, one often imagines the glamour of freedom, the joy of following intellectual pursuits, the idea of sitting in a giant… Continue reading The broke student phenomena