
Ghosts of Algiers

In 1954 Algeria held a unique place in France’s national psyche being both part of France and something totally barbarous or alien. Considered French territory, yet filled with Arabs who in their eyes were not French. Those not of the Gallic ethnicity were the majority Arab population. According to the elite in Paris, they were……

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Classical katabasis in Allen Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’

 Katabasis: ‘A going down’ – etymology: καταβαίνειν, Greek, ‘to descend’, from ‘κατα᾽, down, and ‘βαινω’, I go.  This essay deals with the question of how Classical literary elements and mythology can be utilised in a way which enhances the critical and provocative in poetry which seeks to cut ties with tradition, in what at surface……

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A word on global warming

So, where does this vicious cycle take us? Since 1970 the bellowing echo haunting billionaire corporations and oil companies concerning the future of the planet has mass-accumulated generations of voices. Before the internet became so prominent, forms of manipulation were regularly used to discard accusations of harmful usage of the planet’s resources. The facade of……

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