The Structure and Function of the US Congress: A Comprehensive Overview

The United States Congress, the legislative arm of the federal government, is a bicameral body composed of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. This dual-chamber system, established by the Constitution, balances the representation of states and the populace, ensuring a robust and thorough legislative process. Each chamber has distinct roles, responsibilities, and… Continue reading The Structure and Function of the US Congress: A Comprehensive Overview

The Evolution of the Republican and Democratic Parties in the U.S.

The political landscape of the United States has undergone significant transformations since Barack Obama assumed the presidency in 2009. Both the Republican and Democratic parties have evolved in response to changing demographics, economic conditions, and cultural shifts. This article explores the evolution of these two major political parties from the Obama era to the present,… Continue reading The Evolution of the Republican and Democratic Parties in the U.S.

The US Judicial System and the Supreme Court: Shaping Domestic Policy and Global Standards

The United States judicial system, with the Supreme Court at its apex, is a cornerstone of American democracy. Its decisions reverberate not only within the country’s borders but also across the globe, influencing legal standards and norms worldwide. This article delves into the structure of the federal judiciary, the pivotal role of the Supreme Court,… Continue reading The US Judicial System and the Supreme Court: Shaping Domestic Policy and Global Standards

Niger: the politics racking the country

On July 26th, 2023, the presidential guard commander of President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger, General Abdourahamane Tiani, detained the president and declared himself in charge of the country via a new military junta. As a result, the military forces closed all borders, suspended the government and implemented a curfew. Although the coup was widely condemned… Continue reading Niger: the politics racking the country

The USA’s ever-changing presidency

The politics surrounding the US has taken up more and more space in the sphere of world news as the decades have rolled around; and for very good reason. As one of the biggest global superpowers, the country has the ability in which the rest of the world designs itself, at least in the political… Continue reading The USA’s ever-changing presidency