Wise women: six ancient female philosophers you should know about

Aspasia teaching Socrates the art of debate, painted by Nicolas André Monsiaux

When we conjure up ancient philosophers the image that springs to mind might be a bald Socrates discoursing with young men in the sun, or a scholarly Aristotle lecturing among cool columns. But what about Aspasia, the foreign mistress of the foremost politician in Athens who gave both political and erotic advice? Or Sosipatra, mystic, mother… Continue reading Wise women: six ancient female philosophers you should know about

The philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau is profoundly contemporary

By any reckoning, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) is one of the most influential Western philosophers in history. No account of the modern era – not just modern thought – could ignore him. Few courses in political or social theory would think to omit him. It is therefore worth coming to grips with his thought and its… Continue reading The philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau is profoundly contemporary

Five lessons on bringing truth back to politics from Britain’s first female philosophy professor – Susan Stebbing

It is often said that we live in a “post-truth” era. It is unclear at times what role, if any, truth plays in politics. During the pandemic, world leaders dismissed the advice of experts and acted against empirical data. Democracies have felt precarious – in the US, during the Trump presidency, and in countries like… Continue reading Five lessons on bringing truth back to politics from Britain’s first female philosophy professor – Susan Stebbing

Karl Marx’s philosophy explained

In 1845, Karl Marx declared: “philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it”. Change it he did. Political movements representing masses of new industrial workers, many inspired by his thought, reshaped the world in the 19th and 20th centuries through revolution and reform. His work influenced unions, labour… Continue reading Karl Marx’s philosophy explained