The return of nuclear weapons to the uk

“It is possible that a part of Eastern England would have become a desert” In early 2022, mysterious upgrades began at Lakenheath Air Base in Suffolk, United Kingdom. Military analysts, after pouring over satellite photography of the construction work being done, came to one conclusion. Lakenheath, ever so silently, was preparing to welcome nuclear weapons… Continue reading The return of nuclear weapons to the uk

British pensioners are facing poverty

’20 percent of those over the age of 85 live in poverty’ As of 2021, the number of pensioners living below the poverty line rose to above 2 million, despite the retirement age being increased to 66. According to Age UK, that number has only risen, with 18 percent of pensioners’ incomes being less than… Continue reading British pensioners are facing poverty

Angus Barbieri holds the record for the longest fast: 382 days

‘The longest period for which anyone has gone without solid food is 382 days in the case of Angus Barbieri of Tayport, Fife, who lived on tea, coffee, water, soda water and vitamins from June 1965 to July 1966’ Angus Barbieri consumed no food for 382 days to no ill-effect. In 1965 the 27-year-old from… Continue reading Angus Barbieri holds the record for the longest fast: 382 days

Sewing for Justice: Sewing a quilted wall hanging the height of Grenfell Tower

The Grenfell Memorial Quilt Community Fabric art project was initiated by Artist & ‘artivist’ Tuesday Greenidge, whose daughter escaped from the tower fire in June 2017. Since commencing locally at North Kensington Library in West London, Greenidge has been assisted by an army of sewists from across the world, the aim being to grow the… Continue reading Sewing for Justice: Sewing a quilted wall hanging the height of Grenfell Tower

As 10% of humans are affected by hunger 1/3 of all food is wasted

Globally, one-third of food is wasted, estimated to cost £2.9 trillion a year. That’s enough food to feed every hungry person in the world twice over The most infuriating contradiction of our time is also the easiest to solve. The contradiction of surplus food and surplus hunger attributed to food waste is a disgrace imposed… Continue reading As 10% of humans are affected by hunger 1/3 of all food is wasted