Apple’s iPod came out two decades ago and changed how we listen to music. Where are we headed now?

{Sarah Tew/CNET}

On October 23, 2001, Apple released the iPod — a portable media player that promised to overshadow the clunky design and low storage capacity of MP3 players introduced in the mid-1990s. The iPod boasted the ability to “hold 1,000 songs in your pocket”. Its personalised listening format revolutionised the way we consume music. And with… Continue reading Apple’s iPod came out two decades ago and changed how we listen to music. Where are we headed now?

The music industry is booming and can afford to give artists a fairer business model

Shares in Universal Music Group surged after its US$40 billion (£29.5 billion) flotation on September 21, suggesting many people think the music business has a strong future. One of them, Lucian Grainge, the company’s chief executive, believes expansion will be driven partly by changing consumer habits and the exploitation of undeveloped markets in some of the world’s largest countries.… Continue reading The music industry is booming and can afford to give artists a fairer business model



Creative Director Glenn Martens, Art Director Christopher Simmonds, and Photographer Johnny Dufort came together to envision a a show that is an ironic tribute to classical TV talent competitions, including a live studio audience, a panel of judges and entertainment galore. Be prepared for individual talents that go beyond any expectations you may have. We… Continue reading WELCOME TO SUCCESSFUL LIVING WITH DIESEL’S SPRING/SUMMER 2024 CAMPAIGN

What it really meant to be punk in Britain

There is a current surge of interest in punk. The Sex Pistols’ God Save the Queen topped the UK singles charts during the Platinum Jubilee. This was 45 years to the day after it controversially didn’t when originally released at the time of the Silver Jubilee. Famed director Danny Boyle has also turned his hand… Continue reading What it really meant to be punk in Britain

AlterEgo: a device that lets you speak with your mind

{Lorrie Lejeune/MIT}

Try talking to yourself without opening your mouth, by simply saying words internally. What if you could search the internet like that—and get an answer back? In the first live public demo of his new technology, TED Fellow Arnav Kapur introduces AlterEgo: a wearable AI device with the potential to let you silently talk to… Continue reading AlterEgo: a device that lets you speak with your mind

Not Big Brother, but close: a surveillance expert explains some of the ways we’re all being watched, all the time

{David McNew/AFP/Getty Images}

A group of researchers studied 15 months of human mobility movement data taken from 1.5 million people and concluded that just four points in space and time were sufficient to identify 95% of them, even when the data weren’t of excellent quality. That was back in 2013. Nearly ten years on, surveillance technologies permeate all aspects of… Continue reading Not Big Brother, but close: a surveillance expert explains some of the ways we’re all being watched, all the time

Have smartphones created an ‘anxious generation’? Jonathan Haidt sounds the alarm

{AFP/Getty Images/Reuters Composite: Mark Kelly}

The social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Anxious Generation delivers an urgent call for action. Haidt argues that the evidence is in. Teenagers’ widespread use of smartphones is causing a mental health crisis. Individual, collective and legislative action is required to limit their smartphone access. Haidt begins his book with an allegory. Imagine someone… Continue reading Have smartphones created an ‘anxious generation’? Jonathan Haidt sounds the alarm

Electric vehicles will start to cut emissions and improve air quality in our cities – but only once they’re common

The first electric car (1832)

Electric vehicles are often seen as the panacea to cutting emissions – and air pollution – from transport. Is this view correct? Yes – but only once uptake accelerates. Despite the recent boom in EV purchases, they’re still a tiny minority of the cars on the road. We would get more immediate benefit by focusing on electrifying… Continue reading Electric vehicles will start to cut emissions and improve air quality in our cities – but only once they’re common

AI image generation is advancing at astronomical speeds. Can we still tell if a picture is fake?

Fake photography is nothing new. In the 1910s, British author Arthur Conan Doyle was famously deceived by two school-aged sisters who had produced photographs of elegant fairies cavorting in their garden. Today it is hard to believe these photos could have fooled anybody, but it was not until the 1980s an expert named Geoffrey Crawley… Continue reading AI image generation is advancing at astronomical speeds. Can we still tell if a picture is fake?

Apple’s ‘crush’ advert annoys people across generations – that’s why it misfired


There is a fine line between creativity and self-destruction. Apple’s new crush advert, which shows items linked to creative pursuits being pulverised to make way for the new iPad Pro, tried to find that line but instead appears to have made a rare mis-step. It has angered a lot of people in the process. Apple has now apologised… Continue reading Apple’s ‘crush’ advert annoys people across generations – that’s why it misfired