
Ceasefire in Gaza: a turning point for the region and global community

On January 15, 2025, a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas marked a significant turning point in the ongoing conflict that has plagued the Gaza Strip for over a year. This truce, which aims to end 15 months of intense warfare, has been met with widespread relief from those around the world who have been……

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Syria at a Crossroads: The Deposing of Bashar al-Assad and the Vision for a Free Future

For over a decade, Syria has been a battleground for competing interests, both domestic and foreign, with its people bearing the brunt of immense suffering. Bashar al-Assad, once seen by supporters as a stabilizing force, has now been deposed after years of civil war, economic collapse, and unrelenting pressure from inside and outside the country.……

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The women-led uprising in Iran: a continuing struggle for change

The women-led uprising in Iran, which captured global attention a few years ago, remains a significant force for change in the region. Despite a decrease in international media coverage, the movement continues to impact not only Iran but also the broader Middle East, shaping perceptions and inspiring future generations. The Roots of the Uprising The……

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Coming Soon

UK slides in corruption perception index after series of political scandals
EditorsJul 6, 2024

UK slides in corruption perception index after series of political scandals

The UK has fallen down Transparency International’s corruption perceptions index (CPI) after a year of high-profile government scandals. The CPI is not a measure of corruption itself but a measure of how much corruption is perceived to exist across a country’s public sector. For the UK government, already focusing very much on the next general election amid multiple scandals, perception matters.… Continue reading UK slides in corruption perception index after series of political scandals

Britain’s ‘broken’ water system: a history of death, denial and stomach aches

In the spring of 2024, residents of the south Devon harbour town of Brixham kept falling ill. Their symptoms – including “awful stomach complaints, bad diarrhoea and severe headaches” – went on for weeks. A retired GP who ventured to the pub after finally recovering from the illness recalled that, when someone asked those present to “raise……

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Wise women: six ancient female philosophers you should know about

When we conjure up ancient philosophers the image that springs to mind might be a bald Socrates discoursing with young men in the sun, or a scholarly Aristotle lecturing among cool columns. But what about Aspasia, the foreign mistress of the foremost politician in Athens who gave both political and erotic advice? Or Sosipatra, mystic, mother……

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US to reclassify cannabis as low-risk drug

US President Joe Biden’s administration is set to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, an official said Tuesday — a historic shift that would bring federal policy more in line with public opinion. The US attorney general sent a proposal to the White House on Tuesday to “reclassify marijuana,” Justice Department spokesperson Xochitl Hinojosa……

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